Open Evening Tuesday 24th September 2024, 4.30 - 7 pm



We offer a wide range of clubs and activities to our students, including sports clubs and fixtures, homework club and study support, drama club and productions, art club, music clubs, subject intervention, pastoral support (including LGBTQ), computing and many more.

From Year 9 onwards students are able to work towards the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

The clubs vary termly, and an updated list is available at the start of each term. This is shared with parents/carers by email, and paper copies can be collected from reception if needed. Unless otherwise stated, students do not need to book in for a club in advance (or be allocated a place), and there is usually no charge to attend. To attend a club, students should speak to the member of staff running the club.

Once a student has joined a club they are expected to continue attending unless they inform the member of staff that they no longer wish to continue. For safeguarding reasons students cannot leave the school site if attending a club, and anyone who has to leave early must sign out at reception.

Late transport home is provided free of charge to students entitled to a school bus pass. Students go to the late bus once clubs finish at 4.15 pm. As routes are combined for the late buses, the journey home may take longer than usual. The late buses currently run on a Tuesday and a Thursday. If students attend a fixture or other event which returns back to school after the buses have departed, parents/carers will be responsible for arranging transport home.