Open Evening Tuesday 24th September 2024, 4.30 - 7 pm

Tutor Group

Tutor Group

Every morning you will spend 30 minutes with your form tutor. This gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have, and your tutor can make sure you are set up for the day and have all equipment you need. You will follow a set programme of activities in form time, which includes a focus on reading for pleasure, attendance, discussing what’s happening in the news, careers information and guidance, updates and information about school life, and assemblies. Uniform and equipment checks also take place in form time. Your tutor is kept informed of your progress and behaviour through updates from teachers, which includes praise texts sent home to celebrate your achievements.

Our Year 7 tutors are especially chosen for their excellent knowledge about how to help our new students settle in. Your tutor is there to support you and guide you, and will usually be the first person you speak to in the event of any concerns. Parents and carers can contact the form tutor by ringing reception on 01637 872076 or emailing All our form tutors are also teachers, so they will not be able to respond to queries immediately.

You will receive a letter in July telling you who your form tutor will be and which House group you are joining. Students who already have older siblings at Treviglas will join the same House group as their older family members.

Year 7 students and tutors are supported by the Head of Year, and by student services.

The House System

Treviglas has a well established house system and all students are allocated to a house group on entry to the school. Siblings are placed within the same house group. The four  houses  are  named  after local beaches and each represented by a different colour: Fistral (green), Porth (gold), Tolcarne (blue) and Towan (red). Each tutor group is mixed-house.

Students compete in inter-house competitions every term as well as in sports day within their house teams.