
Social Media Concerns

Dear Parents/Carers,


I hope this letter finds you well after a restful half-term.


Unfortunately, we have recently been made aware of several concerning issues related to social media use among our students. These include the sharing of indecent images and communication with unknown individuals. As we all know, unregulated internet and social media use pose significant risks, and I urge you to discuss these dangers with your children.


Please remind them of the following:

  • They should not be part of any group chats that include unknown individuals. If added, they should leave immediately.
  • Personal details such as addresses and dates of birth should never be shared, especially with unknown contacts.
  • Under no circumstances should they share indecent images or harmful messages.

Please, please, please check your child's phone, contacts, group chats and camera rolls regularly to help keep them safe online.


Thank you for your support in ensuring our students’ well-being.


Kind regards

James Rogers


Treviglas Academy