Lessons are one hour long and there are five every day. You will be given your personal timetable on your first day. The school operates a two-week timetable: blue week and green week. A ‘blue/green’ week calendar can be accessed on the website under ‘parents’ tab, ‘calendar’.
08.30 Morning registration and meet with tutor
09.00 Lesson 1
10.00 Lesson 2
11.00 Break (30 minutes)
11.30 Lesson 3
12.30 Lesson 4
13.30 Break (30 minutes)
14.00 Lesson 5
15.00 End of school
You will move to a different classroom for each lesson. Each room has a number on the door, and your form tutor will show you where your lessons will be taking place on your first day. Your timetable will show you which subject you have for each lesson, the name of the teacher and the room.
The subjects on your timetable will be English, maths, science, history, geography, PE, modern foreign language (French or Spanish), art, drama, design technology, food, computing, religious studies, PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education).