
Year 7 - Social Media Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,


Unfortunately, we have once again been made aware of inappropriate use of social media among Year 7 students.


I have previously written to all parents regarding this issue, but I must reiterate the risks associated with smartphones and social media. As parents and carers, it is essential that you actively monitor your child’s online activity to ensure it is both appropriate and, more importantly, safe. Ultimately, it is a parent's responsibility to ensure their child is using their phone in a safe and appropriate manner.


Our advice:

  • Most social media platforms have a minimum legal age requirement, which is higher than the age of a typical Year 7 student.
  • Images shared online are often automatically saved to a device’s camera roll. Please check these regularly, including the 'deleted items' folder.
  • If your child is added to a group chat by an unknown contact or if the group contains unfamiliar members, they should leave the group and block it immediately.
  • Take the time to sit with your child and go through their phone together. As the bill payer, you have the right to check their usage regularly and remind them of your expectations.

We appreciate your support in helping us keep all students safe online.


Kind regards

James Rogers


Treviglas Academy