Open Evening Tuesday 24th September 2024, 4.30 - 7 pm

Creative Arts

The creative arts team offer an extensive range of extra curricular activities to all students in each of the three subjects: Our objective is to enable all students to immerse themselves in a range of cultural activities, celebrating their own culture and that of others.

Drama: Students are encouraged to take part in drama club which runs throughout the year on one or two evenings a week. We even have our own theatre company, Atlantic Coast Theatre. The focus is usually upon performance opportunities, the biggest of which is our annual production. Be it Shakespeare, Cornish writers, musical or straight play, we do it all, and we do it very well (we are told!) On average, 100 or more students are involved in these productions, either on stage, backstage or in the band - there is an opportunity for everyone. We seize opportunities to perform beyond Treviglas, and our students have performed at Hall For Cornwall, Falmouth University, other schools in Cornwall, Theatre Royal Plymouth and Stratford Upon Avon.

Students can also take advantage of visiting theatre companies that tour to Treviglas, including, in the past, the RSC, Kneehigh, Miracle and Le Navet Bete.

Drama club is also available for GCSE and AS-level students to be developing their projects outside of lessons.

Music: Whatever you play or sing, there is something for you within the music extra-curricular offer! The music department tis busy everyday through break and lunches, as well as after school with individuals and bands rehearsing. We have a ukulele orchestra, percussion bands (including the legendary Steelers who have performed in festivals and events both local and nationally, including Camp Bestival, Tropical Pressure and Truro City of lights. We host regular music events, such as our Winter Festival and a Spring or Summer concert. We have also held ‘Band Night’ showcasing the best of our bands and soloists in venues including Tall trees in Newquay. Musicians are also invited to form the house band for our productions, most recently the fabulous Wonderland in which our band, ’The Remedy’, was a real highlight of the show.

Music is also available for GCSE and AS-level students to be developing their projects outside of lessons.

Art: The art facilities are open most days after school for students to develop their skills, be it for their GCSE and S-level, or for pleasure. Our arty team are on hand to help and offer workshops in skills such as printing or willow sculpture. Whenever possible, professional artists are invited to lead sessions, and to create wonderful outcomes. The art team (and students) also support productions: the set for our production of Wonderland was brilliantly clever. Our annual art exhibition is a real highlight of the school calendar, and is the best showcase for the artistic skills of our students.

In addition to the above, the creative arts team offer regular trips and visits to see live theatre, musical events and, galleries and workshops. These trips see students heading around the county and beyond to London, Stratford upon Avon and even New York!