Open Evening Tuesday 24th September 2024, 4.30 - 7 pm

School Uniform

We believe that school uniform is a clear indicator of many of the standards which Treviglas Academy seeks to instil in its students.

Furthermore they acknowledge the view supported by a majority of parents that a uniform prevents competition over high-fashion clothing and makes differences in parental income less obtrusive. Every student at Treviglas Academy is expected to wear the full uniform, which is deliberately kept as simple and reasonably priced as possible. Students attending our post-16 centre are expected to dress in appropriate clothing of their own choice. 

We appreciate that young people need to express their individual tastes and styles but do not feel that school is an appropriate place for extremes of fashion, whether in clothing, shoes, hair-styles, jewellery, make-up, nail varnish or general appearance. Consequently, students who do not adhere to the school’s policy on uniform will be spoken to by staff and will be required to make the necessary changes to their dress or appearance. The school expects full support from parents in making Treviglas Academy a calm and equable place and reserves the right to make the final decision in such matters.

We require the uniform policy to be actively upheld by students and all members of staff. 
Please check the 'Policies' section of the website for the Uniform Policy.