Open Evening Tuesday 24th September 2024, 4.30 - 7 pm

Enrichment Options

Over the past five years an average of 70% of our students have progressed to university and many have accessed courses at the most competitive and prestigious Russell Group universities. Recently Treviglas students have gone to study chemistry at Trinity College, Oxford, Natural Sciences at Christ’s College, Cambridge, geography at Durham and Drama at Queen Mary, London.

We believe that there are many reasons for this success:

  • Excellent teaching
  • High quality enrichment opportunities, which enhance applications
  • Our encouragement for students to have high aspirations and to work to fulfil them from the outset
  • Awareness that students can make rapid progress at Post 16 and can achieve beyond their target grades. Year 12 is a fresh start.
  • We offer a comprehensive programme of talks, visits and open days. We have established links with Universities of Exeter, Plymouth and Falmouth and many students are part of the Exeter Scholars Scheme (HE Access) and attend summer schools and subject specific events.
  • We encourage students to attend conferences e.g. Sutton Trust at competitive universities
  • Our gifted science students participate in a Nuffield Project at the end of Year 12. This allows them to conduct university level research and to write a paper, which becomes a talking-point at interview.
  • Our 1:1 mentoring ensures that we personalise the support we offer. We invite outside speakers into college, based on student interest and aspirations.
  • Our Post 16 tutors have received training in personal statement and reference writing from the University of Exeter.
  • We subscribe to the online Unifrog website, to help students organise their ideas and match them to their likely achievement.
  • Any students likely to have an interview are offered a mock interview with a group of Rotarians, who kindly give their time to support our students and to provide personalised feedback.
  • We offer our students the opportunity to complete an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) to enhance their application.
  • We offer eligible students the option to apply for bursary payments to support travel to open days.
  • We offer students the opportunity to do both a weekly extended work placement and a week’s block placement in the summer term.