Open Morning Friday 11th October 9 - 10:15am

Design Technology

The Design and Technology department, which includes Food, has 4 experienced specialist teachers and two dedicated technicians. The Treviglas curriculum in both subject areas has been developed to instigate creativity, innovation and problem solving, this is ‘how’ we do it. Students are encouraged to work with increased independence through KS3 supported by staff to acquire skills and the understanding across a broad content ‘what’ they need to know to prepare them for KS4/5.

Students practice kindness in D&T by working safely in the workshops and kitchens, we expect students to be prepared for their next stage in their learning, planning and bringing in correct ingredients.

Students attend everyday, they commit time to their thinking inside and outside of their D&T lessons. They use appropriate language with others showing kindness and manners to those around them, whilst moving and sharing spaces and equipment.

Students are proud of their work, they show determination and care to produce their very best; both when developing their understanding of ‘what’, and through the practical skills, students enjoy learning through the ‘hows’.

Students are listened to when showcasing their work; they respond to others' feedback, rising to the challenge of meeting the needs of different users, they offer advice and show understanding to others.